Kitchen Table Theology
Where Coffee, Conversation
and Theology Meet
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The Person of God Series
God's Amazing Attributes: Self-Existent, Immutable, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Holy, Just, Good, Gracious, Faithful, Loving
Episode 015: God is Self-Existent
Did God have a beginning? Why does the self-existence of God matter to us today? Join Jen and I as we explore these questions and discover in Scripture that God was not created; He has no beginning and no end. Instead, He Himself is the Creator of all. God exists from all eternity and to all eternity.
The doctrine of immutability simply means that God is unchangeable. It has been said that the only thing consistent in this life is change. With change everywhere around us, we need something that doesn’t move – doesn’t change – something or Someone on whom we can depend. And that someone is God.
In this episode we examine the fact that God is infinite. Everything in life is measurable. We can measure weight, time, temperature, length. But God cannot be measured. His understanding has no number. If something is beyond measure, it is necessarily infinite. Listen as Jen and I discuss God's infinite and boundless character and how that makes a difference in our lives today.
Episode 018: God is Omniscient
In our fourth episode looking at the doctrine of the Person of God, we are looking at God’s omniscience. We will be covering the three O’s over the next few weeks: omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence; also know as the Three All’s: all-knowing, all-powerful, and all present. God possesses all three of these attributes. The omniscience of God means that He is all knowing. What is our proper response to God’s omniscience?
Episode 019: God is Omnipotent
We are continuing our study of the doctrine of the Person of God. Can God do anything? The word omnipotent means all-powerful. What exactly do we mean when we say that God is “all-powerful”? Does this actually mean that God can do anything and everything?
Episode 020: God is Omnipresent
Loneliness has become a real issue for many during this time of pandemic. Feeling disconnected from people leads to loneliness. And you don’t have to be alone to be lonely. When we think back to Creation, one of the earliest problems that God saw was when He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” In this episode we discuss the doctrine of God's omnipresence. Is God there when we need Him? Is He there even when we don’t need Him? Is He in Heaven or is He on earth? Or both? Can we truly turn to Him at any time and know He’s there?
When we say that God is holy, we're not talking about one characteristic out of many about God; we're talking about the character of God Himself. Holiness is God's central attribute; it is His unique characteristic. Holiness is that which makes God God.
Justice is important to us. We have an innate desire for justice, and we inherited that sense of justice from our Creater, because He is just. In this episode, Pastor Jeff shows us that whatever God does is right and just. He and His actions define righteousness and justice.
We say, “God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good.” But what do we do with that knowledge? How does this effect our daily lives? Where and how do we see His goodness? In this episode, we examine the goodness of God and how we should respond to His goodness.
In this episode we will continue to dive into the doctrine of the Person of God and today we learn about the grace of God. So many hymns and songs have been written about grace. Grace saves us and sanctifies us. It is one of God’s most beautiful gifts to us.
Faithfulness is an attribute of God’s perfect character and the topic of this podcast. God can be relied upon, and He will never prove unfaithful to those who trust what He has said. God’s faithfulness is His trustworthiness to act or perform in accordance with His Word, promises, or sayings. God is faithful to fulfill His promises.
As we celebrate our 25th episode, we want to say thank you! Send Pastor Jeff an email at, let him know that you listened to this episode, and he will send you a digital copy of his latest book, Your Greatest Adventure.
Bonus Episode 26: Your Greatest Adventure
In this episode, Pastor Jeff shares some personal insight into why he started the Kitchen Table Theology podcast. He also introduces and gives a brief overview of his new book, Your Greatest Adventure.
(Part One)
As we end this series on the attributes of God, we wrap up with a discussion on the Love of God. Love has always existed in the Trinity from eternity past; this shows us that love is an inherent attribute of God and many of His other attributes flow out of this love. How simple yet profound: God is love. We see that not only does the Father love the Son, but the Father loves us so much that He sent His Son, in spite of our inherent sin, to die a sacrificial death to bring us salvation. That is true love.
(Part Two)
If God loves all people, then why do we read in the Bible that God hated people? This is a theologically difficult topic, but one that we want to address here on Kitchen Table Theology. There are Scripture verses that tell us that God “hated”; how do we understand this?
Bonus Episode 29: Which Translation of the Bible Do I Prefer?
In this episode, Pastor Jeff shares which translation of the Bible he prefers to use in his study and the reasons why.
In this episode, Pastor Jeff tackles three questions that were submitted during the Attributes of God series. Thank you for sending in your questions! If you have any questions, please e-mail them to and we will do our best to answer them in the next Q&A episode.
In Part Two of this series’ Q&A episode, Pastor Jeff tackles a few more questions submitted by our KTT listeners.
Return to the Kitchen Table Theology homepage to listen to other episodes.