Everyone Needs A Barnabas
Everyone needs a Barnabas, so we should first answer the question, "What exactly is a Barnabas?" At GotQuestions.org we read the following:
"In the book of Acts, we find a Levite from Cyprus named Joses (Acts 4:36), whom the apostles called Barnabas. That nickname, translated 'Son of Encouragement' (Acts 4:36-37) ... was probably given to him because of his inclination to serve others (Acts 4:36-37,9:27) and his willingness to do whatever church leaders needed (Acts 11:25-31).
"He is referred to as a 'good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.' Through his ministry, 'a great number of people were brought to the Lord' (Acts 11:24)."
A Barnabas is an encourager. A Barnabas is a peer and a friend. A Barnabas is an accountability partner for you. A Barnabas is important because they motivate us to keep our commitments to God and others. They ask us hard questions about our spiritual life, our motives, our goals, our character, and our relationships.
Finding a Barnabas is like receiving a gift from God. They know us well, and they love us anyway. We don't need to hide anything from them. A Barnabas motivates us to reach our potential.
When you meet with your Barnabas, exchange a list of questions you wish to discuss. Some suggestions might be:
a. Have you spent time with God on a daily basis?
b. How have you been tempted this week?
c. Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life? How is your thought life?
d. Are your priorities in the right order? Are you reaching your goals?
e. Have you been completely honest with me in your answers to these questions? Have you just lied to me in any of these areas?
Look for these qualities in your Barnabas:
Authentic: They are honest and genuine about their own weaknesses.
Challenging: They help you press on to a new level of leadership and obedience.
Probing: They ask probing questions to help you see needs in your life.
Trustworthy: They value honesty and can handle anything you share with them.
Oh, I almost forgot! What's the best way to find a Barnabas in your life?
Be one.
“A man of many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24)
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