Invasions and Impossibilities: A Reflection on Luke 1
Consider two powerful concepts: invasions and impossibilities. At first glance, these ideas seem unrelated, but they form a crucial backdrop to the story we’ll explore.
Invasions often conjure images of forceful and disruptive events—perhaps historic moments like the invasion of Normandy or personal experiences like a home robbery. By definition, an invasion involves entering a place forcefully, often causing harm or interference. It’s not something we typically associate with God, yet today, I invite you to think of God as a benevolent invader—one who disrupts our lives not with harm but with transformative love.
Impossibilities spark a different set of thoughts. Remember watching futuristic cartoons like The Jetsons? Flying cars, robot maids, and video calls were laughable impossibilities then, but now they’re everyday realities. What once seemed absurdly out of reach is now commonplace.
Impossibilities into Realities
The Bible is filled with stories where God turns impossibilities into realities. In Luke 1, we meet Zacharias and Elizabeth, a righteous, faithful couple living under Roman rule in a time of silence from God—400 years had passed since the last prophetic word. Despite their faithfulness, they faced a heartbreaking impossibility: they were childless and well past childbearing age. In their culture, infertility was often viewed as a sign of divine disfavor, a painful stigma Elizabeth bore quietly.
As Zacharias fulfilled his priestly duties in the temple, something extraordinary happened. Chosen by lot for the once-in-a-lifetime honor of offering incense, Zacharias found himself alone in the Holy Place. It was here that God "invaded" his ordinary day with the extraordinary. An angel, Gabriel, appeared and announced that Elizabeth would bear a son, John, who would prepare the way for the Messiah.
Improbable into Possible
Zacharias struggled to believe the angel’s words. His doubt reminds us of our own tendency to question God’s promises, especially when they seem impossible. Yet God’s plans are not hindered by our unbelief. Elizabeth did conceive, and her joy overflowed as she declared that God had “looked with favor upon [her], to take away [her] disgrace.”
This story reminds us that faithfulness matters. Zacharias and Elizabeth continued to serve God faithfully despite their disappointments. It was in their ordinary routines that God did something extraordinary. Likewise, when we remain steadfast in our daily lives—praying, serving, giving—God often shows up in ways that exceed our expectations.
Ordinary into Extraordinary
So, what “impossibilities” are you facing today? Whether it’s a broken relationship, financial struggles, or a dream that feels out of reach, remember this: nothing is impossible with God. He specializes in turning the improbable into the possible and the ordinary into the extraordinary. Trust Him to invade your life with His transformative power. Keep walking in faithfulness, and in His perfect timing, you’ll see His glory revealed.
God of all possibilities, help us to trust You in the face of the impossible. May we remain faithful, even when we cannot see the way forward, believing that You can do exceedingly more than we ask or imagine. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Watch the full sermon here.
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